Thesis Statement:
You may be wondering why such a tale was made back then, but it makes sense when you realize the dark themes are prevalent due to the views and issues at that time when it was written. This certainly goes for all tales that like Little Red Riding Hood are changed by social norms and the writer to have violence, and sexual connotations.
1.Fairy tales back then were very violent, and sexual in their elements especially when the audience who heard these tales were much too young to know of such themes and this is due to the norms at the time.
2.“Little Red Riding Hood” as a fairy contains violent, gory, and obscene imagery, throughout the many variations of this tale.
3.Within the fairy tale it also carries the same amount of sexual connotations as violent elements
4.The many iterations of “Little Red Riding Hood” have had these elements of violence and sexual connotations throughout the years and it’s primarily due to society and its norms.
5. In the end, Fairy tales are naturally affected based on the issues and social norms of the world.
- Does every paragraph relate back to your main idea?
Every paragraph certainly does relate to the main idea, although I could do a bit better in organizing my thoughts. As I kept reading it, I feel that there may be a better way to highlight my main idea as well as reference current real world events.
- Where might a reader have trouble following the order of your ideas?
I feel that the first paragraph is where they may get lost due to how long and not as organized as I wanted it to be. I feel that I may have to add a point in which I give the overall format of the tale to help them know what I’m talking about.
- Do several of your paragraphs repeat one idea?
This was one of the things I did well in. This being that each paragraph talked about something different that answers and supports my main idea.
- Does one paragraph juggle several topics?
I made it where each paragraph talked about one of the main points and at the end summarized it. Albeit I could do a bit better at giving my opinion as well.
- Are there any ideas related to your thesis that you have not addressed at all?
As I reread it, I started to have many ideas on how I could possibly change it for the better. This is due to how I felt that It could use a lot more refining, especially in the fact that it may have a tone of simply telling a fact, instead of actually informing.